Content is Not Loading in Timehop

Despite our best efforts, photos and other content may fail to load in Timehop. We don't want to bore you with the complexities of gathering content across the time-space continuum, so will just give you some troubleshooting steps to get you back on track. 

If you're encountering issues with photos or content loading on Timehop, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Ensure you're using the latest version of Timehop for the best experience.
  2. Check your internet connection; unstable connections may cause loading issues.
  3. Disconnect and then reconnect the service with the missing photos from the settings.
  4. Consider uninstalling and reinstalling the app, but make sure to log in using the same method to avoid creating duplicate accounts.
  5. For cloud photos from services like Google Photos, iCloud, and Dropbox, give them some time to load by tapping to the end of your day and reopening the app.

Android Local Content:

  • A fix is underway and should be included in the next Android update, expected in the coming weeks.

iOS Local Content:

First - Update the Permissions

1.  Go to Settings 

2.  Scroll through your App options

3.  Select Timehop 

4.  Select Photos

5.  Select All Photos 

Please Note: If your preferences are set to Selected Photos, this would prevent us from showing all camera roll content. Grant permission and restart the app. If you still don't see any photo content, try to delete and reinstall the app. If the permissions are set correctly and you still aren’t seeing local photos, open up the iOS Photos app, tap on Search and then One Year Ago.

Second - Clear up space by deleting unnecessary files or apps.

  • Uninstall the Timehop app.
  • Reinstall from the App Store.
  • Ensure your device is not in Low Power Mode.

While these actions aim to optimize app functionality, please note that we're actively working on updates to address caching issues for iCloud content.

Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated as we work to resolve these matters. For further assistance or persistent issues, contact us at

Please be aware that our troubleshooting capabilities may be restricted when dealing with issues involving third-party applications.

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